The Great War Primary Documents Archive is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and development in electronic form of materials relating to the First World War. It is a resource for scholars and students, and is a perpetual memorial to the heroism and sacrifice of those who participated in the war. Since 1995, first at the University of Kansas, then at BYU and now on private servers it is the first and largest online full text international collection of documents and images related to the Great War period, 1880-1926. The Archive provides free and universal public access to the full text records of the history of World War I and the twentieth century's attempts to deal with the conflict, the collapse of national and international political agreement into active warfare and the post-war effort to create a world without war. Thus far, the site has been hit more than 15,500,000 times, and innumerable students, scholars and researchers have examined, analyzed and incorporated these documents into their work. The Great War Primary Documents Archive now holds some 15,000 fully searchable pages of these significant official and public documents. We are the Web's non-partisan source of this material, a primary resource for isolated and under-funded repositories worldwide, and provide these documents and historical information without charge.
Project Website:
Terms of Service:
GWPDA is entirely accessible online, using any browser or system and does not require any special access permissions. All documents and images are either ex-copyright or their copyright is held by GWPDA. It may be easier to download material from the site through the administration’s back channel - please contact us before starting a complete document harvest so that we can determine the most efficient method of transferring data.