Project MUSE is an online collection of over 400 journals from approximately 100 not-for-profit publishers. MUSE sells 6 specific collections to institutional libraries worldwide. More information is available at http://muse.jhu.edu/about/muse/index.html
Wendy Queen, Manager of Electronic Publishing Technologies. Phone: 410-516-3845. Email: wendy@muse.jhu.edu Please also copy Mary Rose Muccie (mrm@press.jhu.edu) on any emails.
Project Website:
Terms of Service:
A representative from each participating team using Project MUSE is required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the terms of use for Project MUSE content. The MOU is available at http://muse.jhu.edu/about/docs/did_mou.pdf
MUSE does not have an API available online. Please call Wendy Queen (info above) and she will explain our database structure and any other information you need. We have several access methods available to MUSE subscribers and need to know how you plan to access the content (basic IP authentication, via Athens, via Shibboleth, etc). Please get in touch with Wendy before any downloading begins so we are prepared and do not shut you down for violating our license and also do not include the hits in usage statistics, which are a component of both our pricing and our publisher royalty payments.