Field Mapping: An Archival Protocol for Social Science Research Findings


In this project, psychology and management scholars from the United States and Canada will collaborate with an expert in online research and classification methods to devise a web application that will (i) enable the encoding of millions of individual findings in a multidisciplinary social science research domain, (ii) facilitate complex analyses, and (iii) provide open access to members of the scholar community and the general public. Our project provides protocols for the extraction and classification of research findings into a semantic taxonomy. The foundation of this taxonomy will change how researchers search for and analyze findings from big data. We will develop efficient algorithms to access and analyze research findings. This will lead us to our eventual goal -- a comprehensive repository of findings from social science research that is updated continuously and responds to dynamic queries.

Principal Investigators

Frank Bosco, Virginia Commonwealth University, US, NSF
Piers Steel, University of Calgary, CAN, SSHRC